
401教师专业责任 & 行为准则


The standards for professional responsibility listed in the following subsections 教职员工应该遵守哪些标准. 同时保持所有 rights of freedom of expression as 公民, 雪的大学 faculty are perceived to represent the institution and should understand that the public may judge their profession 通过他们的个人言论和行为来建立他们的制度. 因此,教师 members should at all times strive to be accurate, exercise appropriate restraint, show respect for the opinions of other, and make every 努力 to indicate that they are not speaking or acting for the institution when speaking or writing as individual 公民. 概述了个人责任和行为标准的具体领域 下面.


(1) 教员 engage in reasonable and substantial preparation for teaching 他们开设的课程,与所要达到的教育目标相适应.

(2)教师按预定课程上课. 课程表更改或课程取消 only for valid reasons and only after adequate notice is given to students and to 系主任、教务处处长或教务处副处长. 未能满足 a class without prior notice to students is excusable only for reasons beyond the 教员的控制.

(3) 教员 inform students in writing of the general content, requirements, 以及每门课程开始时的评估标准. 教员 evaluate student course work in a timely manner, conscientiously, without prejudice or favoritism and consistently with the criteria stated at the beginning 当然 并且与课程的合法学术目的相关.

(4)教师保持正常的办公时间,与学生进行咨询; 或者以其他方式保证学生的可及性.

(5) 教员 do not reveal matters told to them in confidence by students except 法律允许或要求的.

(6) 教员 avoid the misuse of classroom time by preempting substantial portions of class time for the presentation of views on topics unrelated to the subject matter 当然. 教员不会奖励同意,也不会惩罚不同意 他或她对有争议话题的看法.

(7) 教员 do not engage in the sexual harassment of students or violate 美国残疾法案赋予学生的权利.


15.1.2 .行为标准——专业义务 

教员不得抄袭,也不允许别人认为他们抄袭 作品的作者是由他人完成的吗.


(3) 教员 do not misuse privileged or otherwise confidential information.

(4)教员行使“合理谨慎”(第15条).1.(五)履行义务 to their associates when they are engaged in joint teaching or other professional 努力.

(5)教员行使“合理谨慎”(第15条).1.5)履行承诺 to the institution and to funding agencies where appropriate in research, publication, 或者其他专业上的努力.

(6) 教员 keep informed and knowledgeable about the developments in their 字段.

(7) 教员 do not engage in the sexual harassment of other faculty members 或任何书院雇员. 教职员工应避免双方自愿的关系 with others in their workplace since such relationships may lead to sexual harassment 指控. (见政策15).2.16)

(8) 教员 obey Federal, State and Local laws, ordinances and regulations.

15.1.3 .行为准则——对机构的责任 

(1) 教员 conduct themselves in an open, fair, civil, and humane manner both in general and when making decisions or recommendations concerning admission, 雇佣、晋升、留用、任期和其他专业事务. 教员 do not harass or discriminate against anyone on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, veteran status, or marital or parental status; the presence of any physical or mental disability; nor for any other reason impermissible under 适用的宪法或成文法.

(2) 教员 are encouraged to engage to outside professional 活动 which 提高他们的学术技能.  花在非机构活动上的时间不应该 干扰教职员工的机构承诺.  教师们也 comply with state law and institutional rules, policies and regulations relating to 利益冲突.

(3) 教员 do not exploit the institution’s name or their relationship to the institution for personal reasons unrelated to their legitimate academic or professional 活动.  他们避免给人留下他们代表机构的印象 在公开露面或声明中,除非事实上他们是.

(4) 教员 do not purposely destroy institutional property, purposely disrupt institutional programs, purposely inflict physical injury and threaten such injury to other persons on campus, or purposely interfere with the legitimate 活动 of other persons on the campus, nor do they purposely and unlawfully incite, aid or 教唆他人从事此类破坏、破坏、伤害或干扰.  仅仅是 advocacy or expression shall not be considered incitement, unless the advocacy or expression poses a clear and present danger of the imminent occurrence of destruction, 伤害或干扰.

However, nonviolent reaction from members of an audience at a meeting or program open to the public shall not be considered disruption or interference of legitimate 活动, 除非这种反应阻止了计划的继续.

(5) 教员 do not misappropriate institutional property or knowingly use it or misuse it in violation of state or federal law, local ordinances or institutional 政策、规章制度.

(6) 教员 do not knowingly mislead the institution by falsely asserting facts relevant to their qualifications as faculty members or their eligibility for 制度的好处.


15.1.4 .行为标准——公民责任 


教员 who violate state or federal law or local ordinances may expect no 因教员身份而享有豁免权或特殊保护.  和其他公民一样, breaches of legal duty by faculty members are matters for disposition by the legal 系统.  学院不会对教职员进行纪律处分 who engage in unlawful conduct which also constitutes a violation of a standard of 执行本政策. 


This term, which is familiar to the law, means that the level of performance required of a faculty member is that which is recognized in the profession as reasonable in the light of the obligations which he or she has assumed, taking into account competing demands upon his or her energy and time, nature and quality of his or her work, and all other circumstances which the academic community would properly take into account in determining whether he or she was discharging his or her responsibilities at an 可接受的水平.